tea of the day… lishan wulong

lishan wulong
lishan wulong

I decided since it’s green tea doodles, that as well as the doodles, I could talk a bit about tea again!

You’ll see this week’s tea – a recent favourite – in the picture. It is an Wulong (sometimes spelled Oolong) from Taiwan specifically from Lishan, hence the name. Wulongs are not technically green teas since they are lightly fermented just not as much as black teas. Did you know that “wulong” means black dragon? The tea leaves I have right now are from the autumn harvest since spring harvest isn’t available yet.

Here’s an interesting bit of tea trivia – the tea harvested in the autumn is said to be the most flavourful, while the tea harvested in the spring is the most fragrant. I think you need to be something of a connaisseur before this is really noticeable!

This particular Wulong is not one that has been aged but is fresh this year. I especially love that style since the flavour is delicate and, for want of a better word green – but not grassy. Lishan (Pear Mountain) is one of the mountains of Taiwan where tea for Wulongs are grown. Taiwan’s teas are renowned, as the best teas come from the highest altitudes and Taiwan has the highest tea orchards in the world.

I have brewed it in the typical Taiwan way in a very tiny teapot. Perhaps I talk more about the method another day!

image (cc) 2009 Hilary Farmer

10 thoughts on “tea of the day… lishan wulong

  1. I am happy to browse through your blog! It’s already in my favorite!

    Taiwan Wulongs are still my favorite Wulong tea… Dong Ding Wulong is absolutely amazing! I think the official name of the mountain of the wulong you described is Ah Li Shan (Ah Li Mountain).

    1. Thank you!
      I love Dong Ding wulong too – I brought some back with me from Taiwan.
      There are actually two different mountains in Taiwan with similar names – Alishan and Lishan. I love the Alishan wulong as well. It has a stronger flavour than the Lishan wulong which tends to be more delicate. (The Li in Alishan has a different meaning from the Li in Lishan – it’s a unit of distance or a village instead of a pear!)

    1. Hi there! I found your blog and web site – what a small world we really live in – I have actually visited your tea shop around the time you first opened!! Chaguan on Monkland in Montreal – a very nice little shop!

  2. Hello! YEAH! what a small world! I didn’t even know you’re from Montreal too. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my shop, my website and my blog.

    And you’re right. the other comment wasn’t me who posted it. I can’t believe people will do something like this.

  3. I see that comment disappeared. Thank you so much! I’m just wondering how do you put the link to the name when you comment, so that the same incident will not happen again?

  4. On your dashboard, left side find “users”. Under “users” you’ll see “your profile”. When you click that, scroll down in your profile to contact info. Put your blog or web site address where it says website. That should do it.
    I’ll give a little plug here for “WordPress for Dummies” which I bought and is good for filling in any gaps. Actually though, WordPress is set up pretty well and if you keep poking around you’ll usually find what your looking for!

  5. Thank you so much!

    Yeah wordpress is very well set up. I discovered a lot already since I opened the account.

    Keep blogging and Bon Thé !

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