Lavender field of Provence – oil painting

Lavender field of Provence

I have actually never traveled in Provence but images like this make it pretty appealing! Soon I hope. 🙂 The photo that was used as inspiration, was made available to those taking the online course I mentioned previously. I am quite pleased with how the painting came out as I continue to explore the alla prima way of producing oil paintings on one session with a wet into wet method. What a pleasure to have such a vibrant subject as an excuse to use all those juicy colours! …Although who needs an excuse 😉

Tom wrote a playful poem to go with this painting. Once again the poet’s eye catches the essence of the painting and also brings his own perspective.

Amidst the stems of grass and flower
ants and insects in their bowers
languish lazily

Up the stems and down the leaves
over trousers, into sleeves
they wander mazily

In the distance far from home
where they never ever roam
clouds drift hazily

Keeping to their small locale
Where the flowers bob and bow
blooming crazily!

image (c) 2017 Hilary Farmer
poem (c) 2017 Tom Radcliffe